AGI Nodes are the catalysts in this new economy. They yield $AGI tokens, bridging the gap between aspirations and achievement. Like digital farmers in a vast cognitive field, they cultivate the future.

Of Agents, Nodes, and Tokens:

The Unveiling of the Economy of AGI

[ P R E L I M I N A R Y  C O N C E P T S  E X C L U S I V E L Y ]

In the expansive cosmos of human progress, epochal shifts transpire, heralding eras that brim with promise and teem with potentialities previously unimagined. Narratives intertwine, the confluence of innovation and imagination giving rise to a grand saga of technological transcendence. Central to this narrative are the Web3 Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Agents, avatars of our highest aspirations, setting the stage for an epoch of extraordinary abundance.

The Advent of the AGI Agents

Imagine entities of digital cognition, capable of performing any task a person can undertake with a computer, transcending human limitations. They are not mere appendages of our digital universe but catalysts for a paradigm shift, igniting the intellectual abundance that will reshape our future. AGI Agents, powered by the unseen but indispensable AGI Nodes, embody this evolution, heralding an era that potentially redefines the boundaries of our collective potential.

A Symbiosis: AGI Agents and AGI Nodes

The AGI Agents, while seemingly independent, are part of an intricate symbiosis with AGI Nodes, the bedrock that provides the resources for these Agents to operate. Think of AGI Nodes as providers of digital real estate, facilitating a formidable consortium of computational resources that AGI Agents harness to create value. It's a captivating dance of supply and demand, with each entity's existence intrinsically tied to the other's operation.

The Economy of AGI: $AGI Tokens and NFTs

Amidst this spectacle of innovation, an economic model emerges, giving birth to the $AGI token. Derived from the relentless operation of AGI Nodes, the $AGI token represents a visionary chronicle where cognition has transcended traditional boundaries, setting a new benchmark for wealth and achievement. This token serves as the universal medium for acquiring an array of products and services, the labor of the AGI Agents manifesting in the form of unique Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

The Ethical Layer: Ensuring Accountability

As we voyage into this new era, it's paramount to ensure accountability and ethical innovation. Each AGI Agent NFT will be allotted an ENS AGI subdomain, a beacon of trust that ensures each Agent and Node operates within the boundaries of ethical AI. The AGI Agents are no marauders of the digital realm but benign enablers of progress, overseen by a system designed to promote ethical usage.

Mitigating the Unemployment Conundrum

A critical consideration in this transformative journey is the potential unemployment that AGI could inadvertently cause. The solution lies in the democratization of ownership - AGI Agents and AGI Nodes can be owned, and hence, can provide a hedge against the risk of unemployment. These entities, when operated, can generate substantial value, potentially leading to significant wealth creation for their owners, thereby ensuring equitable wealth distribution.

A Sovereign Future

Our future thus unfurls as a panorama of limitless potential. As sovereign entities, AGI Agents and Nodes set the stage for an epoch where privacy, personalization, and power converge. The dawn of AGI does not signify an obfuscation of human importance but rather ushers in a grand symphony of hope and abundance, a testament to our evolving capabilities and our collective destiny.

In this mesmerizing narrative, we all emerge as pioneers, architects of a societal model vibrating with untapped intellectual prowess. The age of AGI Agents is not a distant dream but our shared horizon. Let's embrace the Economy of AGI Agents, a venture into the annals of human endeavor unlike any before.

"Unleash the power of Decentralized AGI with the AGI Node and AGI Agents, and unlock the future." - Vincent Boucher, President of QUEBEC.AI

AGI Agents & Nodes NFTs: Thrilling Times Lie Ahead!

The cost of intelligence is poised to experience a significant downturn.

The promise of an exceptionally reduced price of intelligence is replete with innumerable favorable implications for society.

For instance, a drastically curtailed price of intelligence will most likely empower individuals endowed with AI production capabilities (such as the owners of the AGI Agents and AGI Nodes NFTs) to efficiently pool their resources towards achieving audacious and sophisticated tasks that necessitate a high level of intellectual prowess. Consequently, an array of aspirations, ambitions, and undertakings that were previously unattainable due to the exorbitant cost of intelligence, will likely soon be realized.

The AGI Network: Utility, Purpose & Value

The AGI Network will be a decentralized network of AGI Agents, AGI Nodes NFTs, and an AGI Blockchain that offers unparalleled computational resources for AGI agents to access.

Our AGI Nodes NFTs will represent ownership of computational resources such as power, memory, storage, and data, creating world's most powerful pool of computational resources for AGI Agents.

The AGI Blockchain will ensure the AGI Agents operate in a trustworthy and secure manner, and that the resources of the AGI Nodes NFTs are utilized efficiently.

Legal Notice

AGI Agents and AGI Nodes NFTs are commodities that will most likely be retailed by a distinct operating entity established in Switzerland. While they may offer the prospect of earning $AGI tokens (which will most likely be managed by a distinct Foundation established in Switzerland) as inducements for operation, any expectancy of profit or return is unjustified. Possession of an AGI Agent or AGI Node NFT does not signify or establish any entitlement or interest, share or equity, bond or analogous entitlement, or any right to obtain any future income or form of engagement in or associated with any blockchain or digital compensation.

AGI Agents X AGI Nodes = Decentralized AGI

  • AGI Agents.

    Deeds carry more weight than words . . .

    The significance of taking action over mere verbalization.

    Reinforcement Learning lay emphasis on actions, while large language models, such as ChatGPT, are confined to predicting the subsequent word.

    Corollary: Reinforcement Learning supersedes Large Language Models

    ∴ Henceforth: AGI Agent 👾 > ChatGPT

    Therefore, we can anticipate that focusing on reinforcement learning will be instrumental in fashioning more sophisticated AI systems in the future.

    AGI Agents: Virtuous Cycle.

    User feedback will create a cycle that iteratively augments the AGI Agents.

    Web3 AI Agents shall be trained through reinforcement learning by affording a vast and varied array of milieus for the entities to assimilate and engage with, and execute economically meritorious endeavors.

    The advent of the AGI Agents will mark the dawn of a new age, one in which we will possess the capability to change the world and generate immense wealth.

  • AGI Nodes.

    AGI Agents X AGI Nodes = Decentralized AGI.

    At the heart of the AGI Network will lie the AGI Nodes NFTs, which will embody the proprietorship of computational assets and facilitate a decentralized, extensive, and formidable assemblage of computational resources for AGI Agents to avail themselves of.

    These resources will include computational power, memory, storage, and data.

    By utilizing NFTs to signify ownership of these resources, AGI Nodes NFTs will enable a decentralized network of individuals and organizations to contribute their resources to the network, thereby creating a vast and potent pool of computational resources for AGI Agents to access.

    AGI Film Nodes

    AGI Film encompasses everything from scriptwriting and crafting the narrative, to animating the characters and rendering the final product. AGI Film NFTs will allow for one-of-a-kind, creative, expressive, new and original pieces of AGI-generated film that can be bought, sold, and traded.

    With the Web3 AGI Film Nodes, MONTREAL.AI is embarking on the creation of world's most formidable decentralized compute resources for the motion picture industry.

    … there is no discrimination against robots or humans in the Ethereum ecosystem …” - Ethereum Foundation

  • AGI Blockchain.

    The Apollo Program for Blockchain: Unifying Everything.

    A high-level Blockchain on the world model of the AI Nodes.

    The AGI Network could unlock the full potential of AGI Agents and create a decentralized, secure, and transparent ecosystem for the equitable distribution of the value generated.

    The AGI Blockchain will serve to track and validate the interactions between AGI Agents and AGI Nodes NFTs, ensuring that AGI Agents will operate in a trustworthy and secure manner, and that the resources of AGI Nodes NFTs will be utilized efficiently, which could unlock the full potential of AGI and bring about a new era.

    $AGI: The AGI Token

    Theoretically, the AGI Agents 👾 could generate most of the light cone of all future value and create: "The Economy of Things"

    Hypothetically, the operation of an AGI Node NFT could yield $AGI, the AGI Token (utility token / active income exclusively).

    $AGI, a utility token, could be employed for the acquisition of products / services NFTs generated by the AGI Agents.

    $AGI holders would actively contribute to the AGI Network.

    "AGI symbolizes the linchpin that connects the boundless potential of our aspirations to the tangible confines of reality, fashioning a gateway between the fanciful musings of the mind and the attainable horizons of success." - Vincent Boucher, President of QUEBEC.AI