The Québec AI-First Conglomerate.

[ Orchestrating Québec's Emergence as a Global AI Powerhouse ]


Welcome to the epicenter of the artificial intelligence revolution, QUÉBEC.AI.

Founded by Vincent Boucher in 2003, QUÉBEC.AI aspires to establish Québec as the global preeminent authority in AI by 2030.

It is the vernal season for AI, and we eagerly await a prolix summer.” — Vincent Boucher

At QUÉBEC.AI, we're orchestrating the crème de la crème of commerce, of the most distinguished research network and of the most impactful technology.

As we steer the world towards an AI-first future, under the auspices of QUÉBEC.AI, a myriad of entities are being structured to leverage transformative pre-AGI technologies (Artificial General Intelligence) in novel ways, with the goal of scaling AI to the global industrial arena and fostering an AI-First world.

Welcome to the AGI.Eth Ecosystem, where the future is not just happening—it's being orchestrated.

At the heart of this ecosystem lies the AGI.Eth domain, heralded as the "World's Most Coveted AGI Web3 Asset".

An avant-garde fusion of AGI and blockchain technology, our ecosystem consists of:

1. The Businesses of AGI: Sector-Specific Titans

To create 10% of the $14 quadrillion AGI market, assuming a conservative average valuation of $10 billion per business, approximately 140,000 businesses of AGI would be needed. This assumes each business can eventually capture a significant market share in its respective domain, contributing to the overall goal.” — Vincent Boucher

2. AGI Orchestrator: Orchestrating the Future

3. AGI Club: The Conclave of Visionaries

We invite you to join us on this grand odyssey to navigate the thrilling straits of AGI with us.

As we forge ahead, we look forward to addressing humanity's grandest challenges. You may keep abreast of MONTREAL.AI and QUEBEC.AI's developments through the following social media channels:

A world of transformative technology awaits 👾.

Our quest is not merely to ride the wave of AGI, but to create the tides that shape the ocean of progress.” — Vincent Boucher