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AI DEBATE 3 : The AGI Debate
AI DEBATE 3 : The AGI Debate
The Pivotal Discussion in Shaping the Path of AGI's Global Discourse.
[ P R O G R A M ]
Five panels of the world's most distinguished researchers and experts on AGI :
Panel 1: Cognition and Neuroscience
Panel 2: Common Sense
Panel 3: Architecture
Panel 4: Ethics and morality
Panel 5: AI: Policy and Net Contribution
Speakers: Erik Brynjolfsson, Yejin Choi, Noam Chomsky, Jeff Clune, David Ferrucci, Artur d'Avila Garcez, Michelle Rempel Garner, Dileep George, Ben Goertzel, Sara Hooker, Anja Kaspersen, Konrad Kording, Kai-Fu Lee, Francesca Rossi, Jürgen Schmidhuber and Angela Sheffield.
Moderator and co-organizer (with Vincent Boucher): Gary Marcus. Gary Marcus is a leading voice in artificial intelligence. Scientist, best-selling author, and entrepreneur, he was Founder and C.E.O. of Geometric Intelligence, a machine-learning company acquired by Uber in 2016. His most recent book, Rebooting AI, co-authored with Ernest Davis, is one of Forbes’s 7 Must Read Books in AI.
Vincent Boucher is President of Montreal.AI and Quebec.AI.
Join us as we engage in this historic and high-minded debate!
AI Debate #3 - Website : https://agidebate.com
Previous AI Debates
AI Debate #1 : https://montrealartificialintelligence.com/aidebate/
AI Debate #2 : https://montrealartificialintelligence.com/aidebate2/